The Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) is a 6 event fitness test that all Army soldiers are required to take and pass. It replaced the 3 event Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). It must be done every 6 months or less. If a soldier fails the ACFT it can effect their ability to get promoted and re-enlist. A soldier that fails will have an opportunity to try again to pass at a later date. Multiple ACFT failures can result in a soldier being forced out of the Army.


Requirements to pass the ACFT

Each event is scored individually. The passing standard depends on if the Soldier is male or female and for some events their age might have different passing requirements. Failing one event will result in failing the entire ACFT as a soldier is required to pass all 6 events. Soldiers are encouraged to exceed the minimum standard for each event. The minimum standard for each event is 60 points.

Check the following link for the passing requirements for each event. CLICK HERE FOR THE ACFT SCORING CHART.

Need to see what the ACFT looks like?

You can watch my video below to see me explain the ACFT with examples of how the events are done.



By Christopher Chaos

Active duty Army Veteran and online content creator. Two combat deployments. Educating people about the US Army.

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